Thursday, March 6, 2008

A Journal for all to See

For over four years now I've kept a journal. I've been writing down events and moments that have occurred throughout my journey as a husband, father, and church pastor. Over the course of those four years I've had a significant amount of things occur that I will forever be able to reminisce and remember the exact emotions and feelings of those moments. Now I'm attempting to translate this very private thing into more of a public thing. Blogging is no longer new, but it is still very new to me and will take getting use to. Hugh Hewitt, a well-known blogging expert and writer of the book BLOG, says that "If you are a leader, then you ought to be blogging, and the folks you lead ought to be reading that blog." I invite you to join me on the journey and see what we can learn together about life, love, and God (who BTW is the embodiment of the previous two).

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