Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sunday Evening Reflections

And....we're off! SENT started today and I'm so glad. I'm looking forward to the conversations that are going to be taking place in the weeks to come regarding mission endeavors at The Journey. I truly believe God wants to use this church to make some noise in our city, region, country, and world. I don't say that because its what I'm supposed to say, I say it because I believe it. 

Today we talked about the fact that we need to be Re:Commissioned as the people of God to take the message of the cross to the people who have yet to embrace it. My prayer is that today's message will continue to bear fruit in the days, weeks, and months ahead. 

Here are some other random thoughts going through my mind right now:

* "Rain Down" was unbelievable during worship today, great song

* I'm praying we have a huge turnout for the Cornhole Tournament so we can raise a bunch of money for mission endeavors

* There are some big meetings taking place in the next two weeks with leaders from others churches and the Tennessee Baptist Convention about planting a Journey Campus in Hartsville...big things are lining up out there!

* I'm fired up about what is going on at our Lebanon Campus, now I want to see us take up another notch at both of our campuses

* We may have some baptisms coming in the next week or two --- be on the lookout!

We are on the tip of a major movement of God. Keep praying big prayers. Keep spreading the word about what God is doing. Most importantly, live as those are SENT on a mission from God - BECAUSE that's who we are

1 comment:

  1. We each have a mission field to work in. Some don't even have to travel beyond the boundaries of their own neighborhood. We each should operate every day knowing we are SENT. That is our purpose for being here, and even why we wake up in the morning.

    Very excited about this series of sermons!

    Blessings and Shalom,
    Elke Porter (AKA Jonathan's wife) = )
