Monday, June 1, 2009

Day 28: 2 Samuel 24

Well, we made it. Day 28 of the 28 day reading challenge. I know it has been hard, but I hope it has been rewarding. My reason for doing the challenge was more than just wanting to share a reading experience together, but it was also to try to help you instill a habit of reading God's Word each day. It is not always easy to pick up yourself and no where to start, so I hope this has been helpful. I may try to do another one through the book of Acts as I teach the SENT series. Give me your feedback as to whether this was meaningful for you or not.

Today's reading comes from 2 Samuel 24

Chapter 24:
Kind of a wild way to see this reading challenge close. We see David take a census and later come to realize that he has sinned by doing so. I find it interesting that he had a choice of three punishments that God would carry out against him. Here's what this reminds me of: though we have been forgiven of our sins and they will not be held against us on the day of judgment because of Jesus, we still will suffer earthly consequences for our sins. This passage is a powerful reminder of sins consequences. David builds the altar to sacrifice before God and stop the plague, but it seems David is not the same guy we have come to love earlier in the story. We must always stay close to God and not stray, for we all are prone to wander and lead our ourselves, rather than be lead by God.

What were your thoughts? Thanks again for joining the conversation!


  1. Take Away Love that David would not sacrifice something that cost him nothing. I think so many times we are ready to sacrifice, but only if it doesn't come at a cost.

    Are we ready to give it all no matter the cost I look forward to more of these studies...I found it very beneficial...and from other's input I looked at things and learned things I might not have seen on my own!

  2. Sigh. The thing I gained from watching this story unfold is the understanding of how easy it is to fall out of our Father's presence. It takes continual effort. When David was nothing or when he was desperate, he was without question wholly dependent on God. When he had riches, fame and all worldly attainment at his fingertips, God wasn't as important. How many times have I fallen in that cycle? I think every time I have an earthly accomplishment I'm going to go back to Samuel and read as a strong reminder that anything I have is from God. And just as quickly as I can pat myself on the back for something I didn't really do on my own, it can all go to pot!

    As far as future readings go...I was hoping you'd say that! Even though I haven't commented every single day, I have read. It has been a great addition to my personal study. Better to float to your blog on my Blackberry while waiting on an appointment than to spend anymore time on Facebook. ;) Everyone's thoughts have enhanced the experience. I'll take a virtual Bible study group any day with my crazy schedule!

  3. I love being apart of a great Virtual Bible Study. Learning from each other is great. Would love to take a journey through the Book of Acts with everyone !

    I echo Josh with this passage: "No. I've got to buy it from you for a good price; I'm not going to offer God, my God, sacrifices that are no sacrifice." (The Message Bible.)

    The study overall has really brought to focus that we as humans are in some deep trouble without divine intervention. Thank God for the coming of the Holy Spirit...Lo, I am with you to always!!!

  4. Pastor Erik I think you're rite as far as dealing with consequences goes. We may think that because we are forgiven that we don't have consequences but actually the bible says that our works will be tried by fire and that for some there works will be burnt up. That the person themselves will be saved but only as one escaping through a wall of flames. To have that sober perspective is very important especiely for those of us who want to make an impact in His Kingdom.

    Also another thing that it made me think of is how David started out as Amber and Pastor Erik pointed out. We see David in the beginning of his destiny and what God has for him and he is doing well then he gets into the actual carrying out of his service as king and he falls a few times. What it seems like this period is for David is like the middle of his marathon. At the beginning of a race we're usually thinking about two things the beginning and the end. We say Ya! I'm going to go out there and run this marothon and do well. But we forget about the middle of the race. When the excitement of the blast of the starting gun has faded and all you can hear is your breath and your heart beating. Your no longer just the boy who will be king some day. The Boy who is called to do something great eventually. You are now in it. You have submitted to the call that God has spoken and said OK I will "come out from among them" and you're in it. Now as we pace ourselves in the race we need to stay grounded and hold on to the things that were learned in our times as a shepherd.

    Also another short note. The issue of David choosing his own punishment. I think it is interesting how David trusted God even in His punishment of him.

    I came in at the tail end of the study but I have enjoyed it and am looking forward to Acts

  5. I have really enjoyed reading everybody's comments on the blog as we have read together...I hope you will continue to post your thoughts on other post's and not just our reading challenges. I think blogs and other web-based tools can be good for building community and learning together. Each of you that have commented have added more perspective and insight to the conversation. I am very grateful for that.

