Thursday, April 16, 2009


I have a big announcement to make: this Sunday is going to be our last Sunday at West Elementary School. We are going to have to pay an unfair amount of rent to simply stay there until the building in Lebanon is ready. So....we are going to move the West Elementary 9am service to the Providence campus for an estimated 3 weeks. The service times will remain the same: 9am and 11am. The baptisms that were scheduled for this Sunday will be delayed one week in order to do them all at the Providence campus when we move. We hope this is not a major inconvenience for you and your family, we are simply trying to be wise stewards with our money as we seek to get into the new building.

Our target date to be meeting in the new Lebanon building is May 17th 2009. We could be in there sooner or possibly a week or two after. If you have questions, please contact Todd Bates the campus pastor of West or John Griffin the church administrator.

The countdown to moving in getting closer...

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