Thursday, January 15, 2009


Just wanted to remind myself and all of us what the church and our lives as followers of Jesus are to be all about. We are not called to become better people. We are not called to be good Christians. The ultimate goal of a follower of Jesus is a transformation from self-serving individual to missionary. We are called to be missionaries. This is not the traditional idea of a missionary, who goes to live overseas amidst a population they seek to evangelize. Rather, this is a lifestyle of living on mission in whatever context you may find yourself. We are to live as daily missionaries in every environment we are in.

The church is a missionary sending agency. Her mission is to be a missionary producer and community of faith, love, and hope. The missional role of the church is to reconcile people to God and to each other through the life of Jesus Christ. That is what the church is for. This is who we are supposed to be becoming.

Are you living as a missionary? Do you think the church of Jesus today is living its missional calling?

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