I have learned some valuable spiritual lessons from my job as caretaker of the plants. The first several weeks I was noticing that the plants were starting to wither, so I gave them more water. Regardless of how much water I gave they were stilling fading fast. I was dumbfounded by why they weren't flourishing. I soon discovered that I was over-watering the plants. They were getting more water than they could have drawn out.
I think this can be said of us too. Sometimes we pour and pour more information and knowledge in to ourselves. Whether its bible knowledge, sermons, studies, or something else, we are rarely having as much of it applied and lived out before we put more in. We are often over-watered as Christians, and the result is the same as not getting enough water: we wither. Some of you would not be over-watered people, but under-watered. You don't get nearly enough of the things you need to sustain you and grow you. You don't pray, read the Scriptures, participate in the community faith, or share life with others. As a result you are withered because you are expending more than you are having put in.
What do you think would describe you? Are you over-watered or under-watered? There can be value life lessons learned from the everyday moments. Something as simple as watering plants can teach us a little bit about God and ourselves.