Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Plants Need Water

Anyone who  knows me knows that I'm not the best when it comes to fixing cars, building things, or planting gardens. In fact, the more I think about it, I don't know if I have that many skills at all! However I have taken on this task of caring for a couple of plants that we bought in the spring. With Katrina being pregnant she can't get to the hanging plants to water them, so I made this my chore for the summer. We have had plants like this before but they always die. We never remember to give them the water they need to live. Not so this year. I was determined to do the job. 

I have learned some valuable spiritual lessons from my job as caretaker of the plants. The first several weeks I was noticing that the plants were starting to wither, so I gave them more water. Regardless of how much water I gave they were stilling fading fast. I was dumbfounded by why they weren't flourishing. I soon discovered that I was over-watering the plants. They were getting more water than they could have drawn out

I think this can be said of us too. Sometimes we pour and pour more information and knowledge in to ourselves. Whether its bible knowledge, sermons, studies, or something else, we are rarely having as much of it applied and lived out before we put more in. We are often over-watered as Christians, and the result is the same as not getting enough water: we wither. Some of you would not be over-watered people, but under-watered. You don't get nearly enough of the things you need to sustain you and grow you. You don't pray, read the Scriptures, participate in the community faith, or share life with others. As a result you are withered because you are expending more than you are having put in. 

What do you think would describe you? Are you over-watered or under-watered? There can be value life lessons learned from the everyday moments. Something as simple as watering plants can teach us a little bit about God and ourselves. 

Monday, July 27, 2009

Making God like us vs Us being like God

A thought crossed my mind as I was driving down the road the other day. I was thinking about how often times people excuse their behaviors and lifestyle as something that God does not get upset about. We twist what His Word says to make it say what we want or to get ourselves off the hook for coming up short. Very few people truly immerse themselves into wanting their lives to reflect the life of Jesus. We don't want to go through the painstaking process of surrendering our will to His will. After thinking through this reality a statement came to my mind:

"We fashion God into who we want Him to be instead of fashioning ourselves into who He is"

This statement just seemed to flow from out of the blue, but the more I think about it, the more I think it is absolutely true. We want to make God into what we want Him to be. A God who is okay with our behaviors, pursuits, and disobedience. A God who will justify not loving someone who's wronged us. A God who will justify sleeping with my boyfriend or girlfriend before I've committed my life to them in marriage. The Scriptures say we are created in the image and likeness of God, not God created in our image and likeness. Our goal is become like Him, to be transformed into Christ-like character.

Question: in what ways have you seen others or yourself try to make God in your image? How can we surrender to Him so that we may become like Him?

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sunday Evening Reflections

I get excited every Sunday night as I reflect on the day's events. Today was another big day for the church. We are reaching new families by the week at each campus. The church is growing both numerically and spiritually. I cannot imagine what it will look like in the middle of fall if this is what we are doing in the summer.

I continued to be impressed by all of our volunteers who make The Journey happen.

I continued to be impressed with our campus pastors who organize and lead the way at each campus.

I continue to be impressed with our worship team and their ability to bring us into the presence of God each Sunday and encourage us to pour forth our praise.

I continue to be impressed with our attitude and spirit as we challenge the church to make commitments.

I continue to be impressed with our ability to welcome new people in as if they have attended forever.

Keep up the good work Journey Church! Let's keep fighting and striving for unity so that the world will know we are His disciples. I'm honored that I get to call myself the pastor of this church.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Friday Fun

Thought this might give you a good Friday laugh. Enjoy.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Handcuffing Jesus

What if I told you that you are the reason for the limited power of Jesus in your life? What if I told you that the reason you do not see the powerful manifestation of his greatness in his life is that we settle for less? Would you believe me?

I was reading this morning from the Gospel of John. In John 1:47-51 there is a story about Nathanael going to meet Jesus. Nathanael is approaching Jesus and Jesus says, "Here comes an honest man - a true son of Israel." Nathanael is taken back and little confused, "How do you know about me?" Jesus then informs Nathanael that he had seen him under the fig tree before Philip found him to bring him to meet Jesus. Nathanael is amazed at this and says to Jesus, "Teacher, you are the Son of God - the King of Israel!

What Jesus says next is something I believe he would say to a lot of us today. Jesus says, "Do you believe this just because I told you I had seen you under the fig tree? You will see greater things than this." In other words, "Philip, you are impressed with this, yet this is not even a tenth of my power that can be displayed." Jesus is trying to let Philip know that even though he is impressed with this display of knowledge and power, if he settles for this being the extent of Jesus' power, then he is missing it. 

How often do we settle for small things in our lives because we've reduced Jesus' power to simply being about "knowing our sin" or "dying for us" or "loving the unlovable?" These are all good things to understand about Jesus' nature and character, but we must realize that there is so much power in Christ that can and should be displayed in our lives, but we are often the reason it is not. We sell Jesus short. We become like Nathanael. Instead, choose today to explore the possibility that Jesus wants to display more power in your life than you were aware was possible. Give him your needs. Tell him your dreams. Offer up your life. You may here the words of Jesus spoken back to you, "You will see greater things than this."

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I Struggle with Anxiety

Last night at small group I got into a conversation with someone who shares a similar struggle as I do. We both suffer from anxiety. I started experiencing anxiety about five years ago when my son Kaleb was going through all of his medical struggles. I remember having my first panic attack and not understanding what was happening to my body. I later learned that this was brought on by anxiety caused from the stress in my life. Since that time I have struggled with in anxiety in spurts and seasons. I tend to recognize the symptoms of anxiety start to creep in and its my indicator that I need to go exercise some more to help relieve stress.

I remember thinking to myself that I was crazy. I did not tell anyone because I thought, "nobody will understand." After I spoke with some friends about it I began to realize that others experience anxiety as well. In my discussion last night, we talked about how anxiety, depression, and other similar things are the result of fears and strongholds. They are either brought on by things we dread happening (fear) or they are things that we have put as more powerful than God (strongholds).

I don't want to write a book today so I'll close with this: many of us, Christian and non-Christian, struggle with things in our lives, but we are not alone in our struggles. We put our anxieties, fears, depression, and worries in His hands. I have resolved myself to the fact that I may struggle with anxiety my whole life, but I will never be alone, and I always have the hope of Christ. Jesus says, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." That is a hope to take with you today, regardless of what burdens you may carry.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Gear Up

Last night we had our first "Gear Up" class at The Journey. It is similar to what we have done in the past with our Journey 101 class, except this time we are diving a lot deeper into the inner-workings of the church, our vision, and how people can be involved. Last night we had over 17 people from the church come to hear about who the Journey is, what we are trying to accomplish, where are we going, and how can you get involved. It is so exciting to see people who are new catch the vision and understand who we are. They were nodding and I could the light-bulbs going off in their head as I spoke. 

One of the major elements I spoke about was our disciple-making mission. Every church will claim to want to make disciples, but not every church has real definition and plan for how to make that disciple. At the Journey, our definition of a disciple of Jesus is: a person who is pursuing the Presence of God, seeing the world through the Perspective of God, and living for the Purposes of God. This is what we are about. Our Catalyst Worship Gathering on Sunday's is Presence environment, our small groups that meet through the week is a Perspective environment, and our ministry teams and outreach events are our Purposes environment. That is what we are about. It is also how you know what your next step is. If you attend the Journey and are looking for the next step, come to a small group. If you are not coming to the Journey but are interested, come to a Catalyst Worship Gathering. 

You can always measure the health of the church by the number of new families that come. If last night is an indication, then we are in good shape. 

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sunday Evening Reflections

What a great day today at The Journey! It is the middle of summer, but we are still growing and going. Both campuses are doing fantastic and reaching new people every week. I was so proud today of Shawn Allen for how well he did preaching. It was nice to have a break. It was the first time that I have not spoke all of 2009. I only have a few more scheduled breaks, but it was good. 

We have a lot to look forward to this fall. Only a few months from now I anticipate us having more people coming through our doors than we have ever had before. Begin inviting your friends and neighbors. Let people know about all that God is doing at the church. And of course...if you heard Shawn's message need to find a place of service to connect to in order to help us move the mission forward, we need you.

Have a great week...I look forward to the conversations we will share.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Going into others Sub-Cultures

Have you ever invited someone to your church, an event, or some type of club you may be a part of? How often do we think in those moments that are invitations could be scary to them? For example: what if you had someone who was homosexual that you were a friend with try to invite you to a gay bar, would you go? What you walk into their sub-culture? I know I would be hesitant, if not completely against it, but I have to wonder if it is any different for people we invite into our Christian sub-culture?

If we desire to reach our friends, family, and neighbors for Christ and introduce them to his love, then we may need to be willing to go into others sub-cultures. After-all, if we expect them to come into ours, which can bring a lot of anxiety and fear to those who don't go to church, then we should be willing to go into theirs.

Something to think about: what sub-cultures exists in the people you are reaching out to or desire to reach out to?

Monday, July 13, 2009

Cherish God's Word

As a Christian we're supposed to like the Bible. That is a no-brainer. The real question is: do we cherish it? Do we love it? A quote that really spoke to me this morning was by Charles H. Spurgeon

He says, "Happy are we to have God's Word always to guide us! What is the manner without the compass? And what is the Christian without the Bible? This is the unerring chart, the map in which every shoal is described, and all the channels from the quicksands of destruction to the haven of salvation mapped and marked by One who knows all the way."

Get into the Scriptures this morning and let them guide you, let God speak to you through them. Memorize Scripture, let it get down deep into your heart. Right now John Griffin and I are doing a Scripture Memory challenge together where we are memorizing Scripture with each other and testing each other. I challenge you to do the same. We are using the Navigators Scripture Memorization study called: Topical Memory System. If you're interested, join in. 

Whatever you do, cherish God's Word

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sunday Evening Reflections

Today was an incredible day at The Journey. Even though it is summer, and that is traditionally lower attendance months, not today. Today was one of our biggest crowds we've ever had, Easter included. God is doing some amazing things and I'm thrilled to simply be a part of it. But you know what? Its more than about numbers. Numbers are important because numbers represent people, and people matter deeply to God and should matter deeply to us. But attendance is not our number one priority. Crowds gather for everything: concerts, sporting events, etc. We don't want to simply gather a crowd, we want to see lives transformed. I feel today could have been one of those days where that happened. Talking about joy in the midst of suffering is serious business. It isn't the easiest message to give. My heart has been burdened all week and was again today. My prayer for today is: God, use the words spoken to draw all people unto Yourself. May Your joy be manifested in our lives, despite what circumstances and trials we may face

It was a great day today Journey Church. We had an awesome Summer Celebration gathering tonight and had a great turnout. Lots of food and fellowship...even had some Cornhole games going. The best is yet to come Journey Church. If we continue in faithfulness to pursue the things of God's heart, we will have a lasting impact on this community. To God be the Glory!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Time of Reflection

I have been in a little bit of a writing funk lately. Not because I don't feel there is anything to be said, but because I have been doing a lot more reflecting lately. I haven't felt ready to say anything this week. I'm thinking about our church, I'm thinking about my family (and soon to be addition), I'm thinking about how I can get get the point, a lot of thinking. 

Do you ever find yourself getting into more reflective modes in your life? This is not a bad thing by any means. I have just felt more compelled to say less and think more this past week. It may have to do with what I'm speaking about on Sunday: Joy in Suffering. I realize that there is a lot of hurt that exists in our world today, but there is joy to be found in in the midst of our sufferings. I feel a heavy heart about speaking this Sunday so perhaps that has added to it. 

I'm not sure what has brought this season on, but its here. Question: what things do you reflect about in your life? What things race through your mind when you think about the future?

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Journey Podcasts

For all of you itunes subscribers who download music and podcasts to your ipod, The Journey is now on itunes. If you desire to subscribe to our account and download the audio file of our sermons, click here: Journey Podcasts

Once you subscribe it will automatically update the sermons each week every time you open your itunes or plug in your ipod. Now, if you are interested, you can listen to the Journey's sermons each week, though you may be live out of town or attend another church. Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Readjusting Your Swing

Last night Kaleb and I went to the driving range to hit some golf balls. I texted a friend who lives near to the range and asked him if he wanted to meet us there...he also happens to be a really good golfer. As we are hitting balls he begins to migrate over to where I am to watch me hit. He is noticed the "hiccups" in my swing that are keeping me from hitting the ball the way I could. He begins to make some adjustments to my grip, my stance, and a couple of other things. Before you know it, I'm hitting the ball pretty good. Once I got my driver out and started working on it, it all went downhill again. We worked on it until we ran out of balls and he left me with this statement, "You going to have to work on it. The changes won't be as awkward if you keep doing them."

Let me ask you a question: Are there things you are doing in your life right now that are the equivalent to having a bad grip or wrong stance? Are there some things in your life that are keeping you from living at the highest level? Something I realized last night is that making adjustments in your life is not easy, just like making adjustments in your swing is not. It helps to have people in your life who know what they are talking about who can point things out to you to help you, not ridicule you. We also have to commit to practicing these new habits and lifestyle consistently or we naturally fall back into doing what we know. More often than not, doing what we know will lead to nasty slices and shanks.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Pitch Tents or ...

One of my biggest fears is slipping up on a Sunday morning and saying something stupid. Its not that I use all types bad language while I'm not speaking, rather, I'm scared of the possible dyslexia slip-ups that can occur when trying to pronounce or say particular words. One of the all time classic slip-ups has to be this guy...check it out.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Promise and the Payoff

What does it mean to have a dream? When I think of a dream I don't think of what occurs while I'm sleeping throughout the night. I think of the future that will exist tomorrow and I try to imagine how I can shape that. Dreams and visions are simply pictures of a desired future that you spend your present time trying to build into a reality. In others words, the promise (dream and vision) and the payoff (the coming to fruition). The promise could be to have kids and the payoff is holding your baby. The promise could be to start a successful business and the payoff could be hiring your first employee and cashing your first check. The promise could be to get your degree and the payoff is walking the line. The promise could be to see a Jesus movement to sweep our region and the payoff would be the changed lives, healed marriages, and people saved.

I heard a speaker say that in between the promise and the payoff there is a process. Sometimes the process is hard, sometimes we fall, sometimes we fail. The process is the day-to-day grind that you endure in order to get to the payoff. So often we want to skip the process and get straight to the payoff, but the process is what shapes who you are becoming. How you lead and work during the process will determine if you make it to the promise. If your behaviors, habits, and work ethic during the process are not sufficient, you will never make the payoff, and if by some chance you do, you will never stay there. It doesn't matter what the endeavor is, the process is a grind that requires discipline, commitment, and perseverance. When those things exist, the payoff to the promise will come.

Questions: What promise (vision/dream) in your life are you running after? How are you doing throughout the process of that promise? Are you prepared to work and fight for years before getting the payoff? What roadblocks in the process could deter you from the payoff?