The social networking tools available these days are simply incredible. No longer do letters and phone calls serve as the only way to keep in touch with others. Now we have tools that give us instant feedback, instant connection. These tools can be used for all types of things, but I'm amazed at how we can use them to further the mission of God. For example, if you are reading this blog right now, you are a part of the social networking scene. If you are not a blogger, I would encourage you to try. There are many other tools out there as well.
Twitter - after doing my trial run, I have decided to continue using twitter as often as I feel like doing it. We are about to use this tool at The Journey for elders, future campus pastors, ministry leaders, and many others to stay connected. If you would like to learn more about twitter or begin following me and others at The Journey, go to
Facebook - this tool has been out there a while now, but I'm new in the game at jumping into this. I have recently become a part of a group for incoming Divinity School students at Vanderbilt. I also joined the Middle Tennessee Church Planters group established by TBC leader Lewis McMullen. This is a great tool for posting pictures, updating things going on in your life, and staying in touch with others. I actually just started a Journey Facebook group if you are interested. Click on my Facebook page here and then check out the groups.
Join this new era of networking and connection with others.
Monday, June 30, 2008
War Zone Week
Its game week. I feel like a football team that has been practicing for weeks and now the game is here. I begin a series Sunday called: War Zone, that has been one of my most anticipated series and most dreadful at the same time.
It has been one of most anticipated because of the light that will be shined on the reality of spiritual warfare. I believe people are going to learn a lot and grow a lot during this series. I believe we will all be more equipped for recognizing and combating spiritual warfare.
It is a series that I am part way dreading because of the fact that I know that spiritual warfare will become more prevalent now that we are aware. Personally, I have experienced a tremendous amount of spiritual attacks just in the last week alone than all my previous years of life. I know that I am going to experience more in the month ahead.
All that said, my confidence and excitement are not shaken. I am doing what God has called me to do. And if God is for me, who can be against me? (Romans 8:31)
Side notes:
- Be in prayer for the Raffield family (they are in South Dakota on a mission trip
- Be in prayer for Fiona Soltes (she is leaving for a month on a mission trip)
- Prepare for the 31 Day prayer campaign the Journey is doing together (if you didn't get a prayer journal, check with your small group leader or contact the church office -- you can find that info at The Journey website.
It has been one of most anticipated because of the light that will be shined on the reality of spiritual warfare. I believe people are going to learn a lot and grow a lot during this series. I believe we will all be more equipped for recognizing and combating spiritual warfare.
It is a series that I am part way dreading because of the fact that I know that spiritual warfare will become more prevalent now that we are aware. Personally, I have experienced a tremendous amount of spiritual attacks just in the last week alone than all my previous years of life. I know that I am going to experience more in the month ahead.
All that said, my confidence and excitement are not shaken. I am doing what God has called me to do. And if God is for me, who can be against me? (Romans 8:31)
Side notes:
- Be in prayer for the Raffield family (they are in South Dakota on a mission trip
- Be in prayer for Fiona Soltes (she is leaving for a month on a mission trip)
- Prepare for the 31 Day prayer campaign the Journey is doing together (if you didn't get a prayer journal, check with your small group leader or contact the church office -- you can find that info at The Journey website.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Back from the Dead
I'm alive. I didn't know if I would be able to say that earlier this morning. I woke up today with a killer headache that only got progressively worse as the morning moved forward. About thirty minutes before service this morning, I got sick. The headache was so bad that it actually made me get sick. So I made sure we had things covered and went home.
I basically went home and crashed on the couch until 7pm tonight. I slept about five more hours. I guess my body needed that to heal. My wife went to the store and got me some migraine medicine - that was much needed. I woke up this evening feeling like I had been in a 12 round heavy weight bout with Mike Tyson - when he was good. My head is no longer hurting though. So I rejoin the living.
I hated not being at church today. I wasn't scheduled to preach, thankfully, but it wasn't about preaching. I truly enjoy being with the people of The Journey each week. I feel like one of the favorite parts of my week was stolen from me. I'm thankful for all of our wonderful people who stepped up and made sure our worship and praise of the only One worthy continued on. I can not wait until next week to begin preaching again. It has been a good break, but watch out - I'm coming with both barrels loaded this coming Sunday with the beginning of the War Zone series.
Thanks for your prayers. Let's pray for a fantastic week leading up to this new series. Invite someone, it will be worth it.
I basically went home and crashed on the couch until 7pm tonight. I slept about five more hours. I guess my body needed that to heal. My wife went to the store and got me some migraine medicine - that was much needed. I woke up this evening feeling like I had been in a 12 round heavy weight bout with Mike Tyson - when he was good. My head is no longer hurting though. So I rejoin the living.
I hated not being at church today. I wasn't scheduled to preach, thankfully, but it wasn't about preaching. I truly enjoy being with the people of The Journey each week. I feel like one of the favorite parts of my week was stolen from me. I'm thankful for all of our wonderful people who stepped up and made sure our worship and praise of the only One worthy continued on. I can not wait until next week to begin preaching again. It has been a good break, but watch out - I'm coming with both barrels loaded this coming Sunday with the beginning of the War Zone series.
Thanks for your prayers. Let's pray for a fantastic week leading up to this new series. Invite someone, it will be worth it.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Leader Day
My son Kaleb and I have a new tradition. We are calling it "Leader Day" - a day for him and I to do father-son things. We are going to go to breakfast on Saturday mornings together and then go do something fun.
Today we went to McDonald's and then to the park. We had "meetings" at different locations on the castle playground. I hope this can be something that over the years will allow for some good time to build into him and have life conversations. Its appropriate I guess to call these day's "leader day", because that is exactly my prayer for his life.
I have meetings with leaders all throughout the week, but this is by far my most enjoyable and important meeting each week.
Today we went to McDonald's and then to the park. We had "meetings" at different locations on the castle playground. I hope this can be something that over the years will allow for some good time to build into him and have life conversations. Its appropriate I guess to call these day's "leader day", because that is exactly my prayer for his life.
I have meetings with leaders all throughout the week, but this is by far my most enjoyable and important meeting each week.
Leadership Summit
We had our quarterly Leadership Summit this morning for our ministry leaders and small group leaders at The Journey. We celebrated all the successes we have had here in the recent months at the church. We then talked about what I feel is our greatest need as we march forward: focus.
I spoke with the ministry leaders about our need to focus. We have to focus our mission, we have to focus our ministries, we have to focus our structure, and we have to focus on people. We talked about some of the coming things we are going to be doing in the days ahead and then broke into groups of 3-4 to pray for each other.
We have some great ministry leaders and I'm excited about marching forward with them in the days ahead.
I spoke with the ministry leaders about our need to focus. We have to focus our mission, we have to focus our ministries, we have to focus our structure, and we have to focus on people. We talked about some of the coming things we are going to be doing in the days ahead and then broke into groups of 3-4 to pray for each other.
We have some great ministry leaders and I'm excited about marching forward with them in the days ahead.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Confessions of a Restless Pastor
I just need to vent for a moment. This Sunday will be my third week of having a break from teaching. Breaks are absolutely needed to refresh. It also gives me a chance to explore fresh ideas and hear God speak to me about future teaching series. The good thing about me taking a break is that the church gets a chance to hear other voices. I believe that is important also.
Now for the confession...I am about to die of restlessness. I am ready to be back teaching again a week from this Sunday. The last three weeks during the week have been restless for me. I have had plenty to do and have not had a moment to stop, but my weekly routine has been different. I am eager to start teaching again. I believe it is what I born to do. Hopefully this restlessness will result in a dynamic War Zone series - I have had three weeks to pour myself into it. Once I begin teaching again, I will get a one week break every 6-7 weeks, but right now my feeling is "break time is over."
Thanks for the chance to vent. Even a pastor needs to give confessions from time to time.
Now for the confession...I am about to die of restlessness. I am ready to be back teaching again a week from this Sunday. The last three weeks during the week have been restless for me. I have had plenty to do and have not had a moment to stop, but my weekly routine has been different. I am eager to start teaching again. I believe it is what I born to do. Hopefully this restlessness will result in a dynamic War Zone series - I have had three weeks to pour myself into it. Once I begin teaching again, I will get a one week break every 6-7 weeks, but right now my feeling is "break time is over."
Thanks for the chance to vent. Even a pastor needs to give confessions from time to time.
Can Your Life Make a Difference?
Today is just a normal Friday right? Maybe, but maybe not.
Today we have an entire family from The Journey leaving the comforts of their home and life and going to South Dakota for a week. They are going to serve and minister to people at an Indian Reservation that is considered one of the poorest areas of our country. The Raffield family could use our prayers and support as they go on this potentially life-changing trip.
So maybe you are not going with them, but you can join me in praying for them. Pray that God would open doors for them. Pray that it would be an amazing experience for them.
What about you and me? What are we doing today to make a difference? Does this have to be an ordinary Friday? Does any day have to be ordinary?
I believe every day, every moment, holds the possibilities of extraordinary events. If we are willing to hear from God and follow Him, we can make a difference with our lives every day. What about the person down the hall from you right now or sitting in the cubicle next to you? Is it possible that God can allow you to impact their life?
You may not be going on a mission trip today, but make no mistake, God is on mission around you and me, and He invites us to join Him.
Today we have an entire family from The Journey leaving the comforts of their home and life and going to South Dakota for a week. They are going to serve and minister to people at an Indian Reservation that is considered one of the poorest areas of our country. The Raffield family could use our prayers and support as they go on this potentially life-changing trip.
So maybe you are not going with them, but you can join me in praying for them. Pray that God would open doors for them. Pray that it would be an amazing experience for them.
What about you and me? What are we doing today to make a difference? Does this have to be an ordinary Friday? Does any day have to be ordinary?
I believe every day, every moment, holds the possibilities of extraordinary events. If we are willing to hear from God and follow Him, we can make a difference with our lives every day. What about the person down the hall from you right now or sitting in the cubicle next to you? Is it possible that God can allow you to impact their life?
You may not be going on a mission trip today, but make no mistake, God is on mission around you and me, and He invites us to join Him.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Katrina and I were driving down the road last Sunday night from visiting a church in Downtown. The message was about joy. The speaker talked about how some people have been able to go through tremendous trials and hardships and still experience joy. This inspires other people who are peeking in from the outside.
Katrina and I resonated with that. We feel we have done well with staying joyful even in the midst of some dark periods with Kaleb's health. What we discovered driving home was that we both had the attitude of 'we are blessed each day we have him'. We have already had him longer than what he should have technically lived. We live with the perspective that Kaleb is not ours, but God's. We both want to desperately see him outlive everyone in our family, but we don't live in fear - we live with joy. We live with a perspective of gratefulness for the time we get to have with him.
What is the perspective in which you live your life? Do you feel that you "deserve" every thing you have? Do you feel you "deserve" things you don't have, but want? When we live with a perspective of gratefulness for all God has blessed us with, it keeps us from living from a perspective of what we lack or have had taken from us.
Just something to think about.
Katrina and I resonated with that. We feel we have done well with staying joyful even in the midst of some dark periods with Kaleb's health. What we discovered driving home was that we both had the attitude of 'we are blessed each day we have him'. We have already had him longer than what he should have technically lived. We live with the perspective that Kaleb is not ours, but God's. We both want to desperately see him outlive everyone in our family, but we don't live in fear - we live with joy. We live with a perspective of gratefulness for the time we get to have with him.
What is the perspective in which you live your life? Do you feel that you "deserve" every thing you have? Do you feel you "deserve" things you don't have, but want? When we live with a perspective of gratefulness for all God has blessed us with, it keeps us from living from a perspective of what we lack or have had taken from us.
Just something to think about.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
A Powerful Tongue
Words that we speak carry weight. I don't care who you are, when you release words into air and into the ears of others, you have just released a powerful thing. The Bible tells us that words carry tremendous power and have the power to build up or tear down. It is with our mouths that we praise God, but it is also from our mouths that we tear down those whom God has created and loves. In James 3 there is a section that speaks of this dynamic and our need to tame the tongue. In what ways to our tongues release cursing instead of blessing? I believe this dynamic of the tongue tearing down others happens more than we realize. Here are some areas that we need to work on taming the tongue:
* gossiping about others (do a word search on Biblegateway about!) - gossip is when we are talking about the faults, failures, problems, and deficiency of others when they are not present. Gossip tears people down, though they are not present. We usually gossip, because we are not living for things big enough to talk we talk about others. It is easy to excuse gossiping away as just "speaking truthfully" about a situation, but if you dig deep, it is truly gossip. Do you gossip? Make a conscious effort to not engage in gossip. When you hear someone gossiping either change the subject or call them out, but don't agree, nod your head, or join in. I think most Christians, including myself, could stand to be reminded of this.
* words of life or cursing - did you realize that people will often live out words spoken over them in their past? When you speak words to people about who they are, what they are, and their value, you can be speaking words of blessing or cursing over them. Be aware that words will either lift others up or discourage them. What kind of words are you speaking?
* Crude or coarse joking (Ephesians 5:4)- have you ever struggled with keeping a conversation appropriate? Believe it or not, you can be good with the first two areas and struggle massively with this one. You can ruin your witness to others and even damage your relationship with God when you don't tame the tongue in this area of your life. Do you find yourself struggling with this? What do you think causes you to do it? Is it possible that insecurities lie at the heart of this issue?
Ask God today to help you with the area(s) that you struggle with the most in taming the tongue. The tongue is powerful thing. Imagine what would happen if we used our tongue to praise God and to build up and love those in which He created and loves. How much different would our daily conversations look? How much different would the world be?
* gossiping about others (do a word search on Biblegateway about!) - gossip is when we are talking about the faults, failures, problems, and deficiency of others when they are not present. Gossip tears people down, though they are not present. We usually gossip, because we are not living for things big enough to talk we talk about others. It is easy to excuse gossiping away as just "speaking truthfully" about a situation, but if you dig deep, it is truly gossip. Do you gossip? Make a conscious effort to not engage in gossip. When you hear someone gossiping either change the subject or call them out, but don't agree, nod your head, or join in. I think most Christians, including myself, could stand to be reminded of this.
* words of life or cursing - did you realize that people will often live out words spoken over them in their past? When you speak words to people about who they are, what they are, and their value, you can be speaking words of blessing or cursing over them. Be aware that words will either lift others up or discourage them. What kind of words are you speaking?
* Crude or coarse joking (Ephesians 5:4)- have you ever struggled with keeping a conversation appropriate? Believe it or not, you can be good with the first two areas and struggle massively with this one. You can ruin your witness to others and even damage your relationship with God when you don't tame the tongue in this area of your life. Do you find yourself struggling with this? What do you think causes you to do it? Is it possible that insecurities lie at the heart of this issue?
Ask God today to help you with the area(s) that you struggle with the most in taming the tongue. The tongue is powerful thing. Imagine what would happen if we used our tongue to praise God and to build up and love those in which He created and loves. How much different would our daily conversations look? How much different would the world be?
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Video for Intro to Services
Watch this video and tell me if you think it would be good to play before services each week. It could serve as our intro video to kick services off. I think it speaks to what The Journey is all about. What do you think?
Monday, June 23, 2008
New Website and Logo

Over our time of two and half years at The Journey, we have had a couple of changes and transitions in logos and websites. We have never felt like we had captured the essence of The Journey in previous attempts.
Websites and logos are important. Statistics show that most people will visit a church's website before they actually visit the church. So in many ways, our website is our front door. We wanted to make sure that our front door represented who we are, especially as we move forward with 2 new campuses this fall. That being said, their is a new website being designed right now, that should actually be going in live in the next week or two. It is incredible. There will be many helpful features and options on this site. It will be the central website for all campuses, with each campuses info available on it. Plus, it will be a great place to send people you are trying to reach out to and invite to The Journey.
We also have settled on the new logo. It is subtly different than the current one, but gives us more of a look that we like. We kept some of the current features of the current logo, but gave it some more flavor and feel. I'm giving you a sneak peak of the logo now; you will have to wait another week or two for the website. I would love to hear your thoughts on the logo.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Weekend Reflections
What a great day today! The worship this week was very uplifting and encouraging. Those guys and gals in the band do such a great job bringing us into worship. I was also very excited about the message today. Pastor Ed Young Jr. from Fellowship Church gave a challenging message. His message was for the church to "Wake Up" and I think it may have woke a lot of people up today. Next week is our last week in the series. We have a missionary family we support coming to share our last One Prayer message: Lord, Make us Loving. I believe it will be a great day.
I am very excited about two weeks from today. Begin inviting people now to join one of the two services. I am beginning a new series called: War Zone. This series will explore the reality of spiritual warfare in and around our lives. I have never taught on this subject in depth at The Journey and I'm looking forward to it. Be sure to invite others to join in this conversation.
Last thing, we are taking a big step tomorrow towards launching new campuses. Be in prayer about Trousdale County High School, we begin inquiring about using it tomorrow. Live your week fully awake. I love you church.
I am very excited about two weeks from today. Begin inviting people now to join one of the two services. I am beginning a new series called: War Zone. This series will explore the reality of spiritual warfare in and around our lives. I have never taught on this subject in depth at The Journey and I'm looking forward to it. Be sure to invite others to join in this conversation.
Last thing, we are taking a big step tomorrow towards launching new campuses. Be in prayer about Trousdale County High School, we begin inquiring about using it tomorrow. Live your week fully awake. I love you church.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Weekend Review

I am excited as I think about the rapidly approaching Sunday. I am really enjoying the One Prayer series so far. Last week's message by Mark Batterson on 'Make Us Dreamers' was inspiring and challenging. If you thought last week's message was good, you haven't seen anything yet. This week we hear from Ed Young Jr., pastor of Fellowship Church outside of Dallas, TX. Ed's message is 'Make Us Wake Up'. All I can say is, "get ready!"
If you remember today, be in prayer about the Hartsville campus location. Many people are praying today that God would give us his favor and allow for us to meet at Trousdale County High School (pictured above). We believe it could be a great location to minister to the people of Hartsville. In addition, it is a great opportunity to serve the school and become a part of that community. For those of you fasting today, stay strong. Remember, Christ is our daily bread. He is all that we need. When you feel yourself wanting to cave in, go to Him in prayer. Ask him for the things we are praying for. Let him know that HE is all that you need. He will sustain you and me better than any meal.
Also, tomorrow morning will be a men's breakfast at the Faith Lutheran Church beside Dunkin Doughnuts in Lebanon. There will be a guy talking who is a part of the New Zealand Promise Keepers organization. If for nothing else, come for the loads of food we are going to tear up. I for one, will be breaking my fast in style. Also, if you have children at The Journey, there is a swim party at my house for the kids. Go the The Journey's website and click on News/Events for details. Have a great day and weekend.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Join Me in Prayer
There are many moving parts surrounding the Journey right now. We are moving rapidly toward our vision of launching two new campuses in the fall. The purpose behind starting these new campuses is simple: make disciples of Jesus. We believe that all around us are people living lives less than what they were created to live. We believe that though there are well-intentioned churches out there, not all churches are meeting their full-redemptive potential. The Journey is not perfect, but we believe God is building his church and the gates of hell cannot prevail against it (Matthew 16:18).
I am asking you to join me in prayer. The month of July will be a 31 day prayer focus for our church. We are going to outline all the prayer needs that we face as we move forward with our mission. I have a specific prayer focus needed right now. The elders and I believe that Trousdale County High School is the place where we need to meet for worship services in Hartsville this fall. I am calling the school board on Monday to share our request. A check in my spirit has prevented me from calling thus far, and the Lord revealed a need to pray about this phone call. I have asked the elders and potential campus pastors to join me in praying and fasting for God to give us this location as a meeting space. We are fasting on Friday if you desire to partner with us. Regardless of whether you fast or not, please join in praying about this door of opportunity to open for us.
I am asking you to join me in prayer. The month of July will be a 31 day prayer focus for our church. We are going to outline all the prayer needs that we face as we move forward with our mission. I have a specific prayer focus needed right now. The elders and I believe that Trousdale County High School is the place where we need to meet for worship services in Hartsville this fall. I am calling the school board on Monday to share our request. A check in my spirit has prevented me from calling thus far, and the Lord revealed a need to pray about this phone call. I have asked the elders and potential campus pastors to join me in praying and fasting for God to give us this location as a meeting space. We are fasting on Friday if you desire to partner with us. Regardless of whether you fast or not, please join in praying about this door of opportunity to open for us.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Ordinary People Accomplish Extraordinary Things
Do you realize that when you read the Scriptures, you are reading of regular, everyday, normal people? These were not people who were part angel, part human. These are not make believe characters from a fiction novel with supernatural powers. When you read and recount stories from the Scriptures, you are encountering ordinary people who walked with and trusted and unordinary God. You discover that the people who did incredible things were...well...just like us.
A passage of Scripture that I enjoy reading is found in 1 Samuel 10:9-12 (NLT).
What I love about this passage is that Saul was just an ordinary guy. Saul actually says to Samuel the first time he met him and was told that God had anointed him to become king, "But I'm only from Benjamin, the smallest tribe in Israel, and my family is the least important of all the families in the tribe! Why are you talking like this to me?" (1 Samuel 9:21 NLT) In the passage I referenced earlier, you see that when Saul gets filled with God's Spirit he begins to prophesy. No big deal right...that's what people back then did. Wrong. Big deal. Saul's friends hear him and ask, "What? Is Saul a prophet? How did the son of Kish become a prophet?" You know why they asked that question? Because he was an ordinary guy.
Saul was an ordinary dude. So much so, that his friends who knew him could not believe what they were seeing. So much so, that when Saul is told that God has chosen him to be king of Israel, Saul sites that he is from the least of all families and from the smallest tribe of Israel. Saul was saying, "I'm not an extraordinary person."
The beauty of God is that he takes ordinary people and does extraordinary things through them. How about you? You are not extraordinary are you? I'm not. Yet God desires to do something extraordinary through our lives. Do you believe that? Will you begin to live like it is so? What extraordinary thing could God do through you and me, just ordinary people?
A passage of Scripture that I enjoy reading is found in 1 Samuel 10:9-12 (NLT).
What I love about this passage is that Saul was just an ordinary guy. Saul actually says to Samuel the first time he met him and was told that God had anointed him to become king, "But I'm only from Benjamin, the smallest tribe in Israel, and my family is the least important of all the families in the tribe! Why are you talking like this to me?" (1 Samuel 9:21 NLT) In the passage I referenced earlier, you see that when Saul gets filled with God's Spirit he begins to prophesy. No big deal right...that's what people back then did. Wrong. Big deal. Saul's friends hear him and ask, "What? Is Saul a prophet? How did the son of Kish become a prophet?" You know why they asked that question? Because he was an ordinary guy.
Saul was an ordinary dude. So much so, that his friends who knew him could not believe what they were seeing. So much so, that when Saul is told that God has chosen him to be king of Israel, Saul sites that he is from the least of all families and from the smallest tribe of Israel. Saul was saying, "I'm not an extraordinary person."
The beauty of God is that he takes ordinary people and does extraordinary things through them. How about you? You are not extraordinary are you? I'm not. Yet God desires to do something extraordinary through our lives. Do you believe that? Will you begin to live like it is so? What extraordinary thing could God do through you and me, just ordinary people?
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Happy 6th Anniversary
Today is the 6th anniversary of Katrina and I getting married. I can not believe time has gone this fast.
Six years ago today we were wandering the island of Hawaii trying to find out how we were going to get married. We went to Hawaii by ourselves to get married. We had it all planned we thought. When we arrived in Hawaii we tried to make contact with the company who was responsible for marrying us and getting us a marriage license, but could not find them. We looked through the phone books and found nothing. We discovered shortly into our investigation that we had booked our wedding plans on the wrong island. Katrina was freaked out. She was crying and believing that her wedding was not going to happen. I tried to be the strong one and assured her that we would get everything settled. Turns out, we would have to pay a ton of money to fly over to another island to get married and then come back to our condo. We instead tried to secure another person to do the wedding. We soon discovered when we called the local marriage license agency that they were backed up for several months...this only added to Katrina's downfall of tears.
I was finally able to call a place that could get us our license, do the wedding, and even had a contact for getting pictures done. As I probed, I soon discovered that the lady talking to me was also the wedding official...she was the minister. Once again, more tears from Katrina. Ultimately, it was all we had, so we went with it.
On the day of the wedding, we showed up to the location they told us to meet them. They met us at the car and we walked down a trail through a set of trees. When we came out of the other side we were immersed by a beautiful scene. It was if we had just walked onto a postcard - immaculate. We were the only people on this beach. The water was like a swimming pool it was so clear. We even had a giant sea turtle climb onto the beach beside us. We ended up having a beautiful ceremony. The lady did our ceremony, including the songs (I'll have to share that story with you later), and it was a memorable moment. We still look back together and laugh about all of it, and jokingly wonder if we are really married. I wouldn't trade our experience for anything. It was our special day.
I love you Katrina - more each day. I want to serve you and our family for the rest of my life. I want to seek to live out together Ephesians 5:21-33. Happy 6th anniversary dear...I'm so grateful you haven't traded me in yet.
Six years ago today we were wandering the island of Hawaii trying to find out how we were going to get married. We went to Hawaii by ourselves to get married. We had it all planned we thought. When we arrived in Hawaii we tried to make contact with the company who was responsible for marrying us and getting us a marriage license, but could not find them. We looked through the phone books and found nothing. We discovered shortly into our investigation that we had booked our wedding plans on the wrong island. Katrina was freaked out. She was crying and believing that her wedding was not going to happen. I tried to be the strong one and assured her that we would get everything settled. Turns out, we would have to pay a ton of money to fly over to another island to get married and then come back to our condo. We instead tried to secure another person to do the wedding. We soon discovered when we called the local marriage license agency that they were backed up for several months...this only added to Katrina's downfall of tears.
I was finally able to call a place that could get us our license, do the wedding, and even had a contact for getting pictures done. As I probed, I soon discovered that the lady talking to me was also the wedding official...she was the minister. Once again, more tears from Katrina. Ultimately, it was all we had, so we went with it.
On the day of the wedding, we showed up to the location they told us to meet them. They met us at the car and we walked down a trail through a set of trees. When we came out of the other side we were immersed by a beautiful scene. It was if we had just walked onto a postcard - immaculate. We were the only people on this beach. The water was like a swimming pool it was so clear. We even had a giant sea turtle climb onto the beach beside us. We ended up having a beautiful ceremony. The lady did our ceremony, including the songs (I'll have to share that story with you later), and it was a memorable moment. We still look back together and laugh about all of it, and jokingly wonder if we are really married. I wouldn't trade our experience for anything. It was our special day.
I love you Katrina - more each day. I want to serve you and our family for the rest of my life. I want to seek to live out together Ephesians 5:21-33. Happy 6th anniversary dear...I'm so grateful you haven't traded me in yet.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Summer Reading
Are you a reader? I believe the quote that many others refer to, "leaders are readers." I have a three week break from teaching before I pick back up again for a new series in July. While I have this break I am going to take some time to catch up on some books I have been wanting to read. Here are the books I'm going to read over the next three weeks. Perhaps you would like to pick one up and join me.
* In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day - Mark Batterson
* Lead Like Jesus - Ken Blanchard
* Waking the Dead - John Eldridge
* The Shack - William P. Young
* In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day - Mark Batterson
* Lead Like Jesus - Ken Blanchard
* Waking the Dead - John Eldridge
* The Shack - William P. Young
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Weekend Reflections
Today was an amazing day of firsts at The Journey. We had our first services with children's ministry being upstairs near the adults. I believe this works better than before, because now everyone is closer together.
We also had another first. We had our first experience at The Journey with video teaching. This is something that many churches across the country are doing and having success. We are participating in the One Prayer series that over 1,400 churches in over 20 countries are doing together. We had the privilege of having Pastor Mark Batterson of National Community Church in Washington D.C. challenge us today to become dreamers. My only hesitation was that if people didn't know the speaker, they may not engage. My fears were quickly relieved when I noticed people participating and engaged in the message. We even had a family come forward after the second service to commit to following Christ.
The experience gave us a snapshot of possibilities to come in the days ahead. We are going to experiment with video teaching at some of the campuses that we will launch in the fall. The video will be the same messages I'm teaching live. Every campus will go through the same teaching series and learn the same things as every other campus. Like today, each campus will have a campus pastor responsible for shepherding that campus and leading the time of spiritual movement -- just as I served today. I'm excited about it. Today was a great day to see what could happen.
We also had another first. We had our first experience at The Journey with video teaching. This is something that many churches across the country are doing and having success. We are participating in the One Prayer series that over 1,400 churches in over 20 countries are doing together. We had the privilege of having Pastor Mark Batterson of National Community Church in Washington D.C. challenge us today to become dreamers. My only hesitation was that if people didn't know the speaker, they may not engage. My fears were quickly relieved when I noticed people participating and engaged in the message. We even had a family come forward after the second service to commit to following Christ.
The experience gave us a snapshot of possibilities to come in the days ahead. We are going to experiment with video teaching at some of the campuses that we will launch in the fall. The video will be the same messages I'm teaching live. Every campus will go through the same teaching series and learn the same things as every other campus. Like today, each campus will have a campus pastor responsible for shepherding that campus and leading the time of spiritual movement -- just as I served today. I'm excited about it. Today was a great day to see what could happen.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Men's Advance
There is no other way to describe this weekend's experience at Deer Run Retreat Center with the men of The Journey as anything other than memorable. I wish I could get into the many experiences we had, but...well, what happens at Men's events stays at Men's events. It was simply amazing. I have never been a part of such an incredible event as last night in my life. I'm grateful for having a chance to experience it with the group of men that were there. It was special.
Men of the Journey: let's keep to the mission we discussed. Remember the phrases that were used: Lines in the sand, Going to bat together, & Fighting for the heart of our King. Regulators....mount up!
Matthew 11:12 - Jesus says, "From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it."
The enemy better be scared of the warriors ready to wage war with him.
Men of the Journey: let's keep to the mission we discussed. Remember the phrases that were used: Lines in the sand, Going to bat together, & Fighting for the heart of our King. Regulators....mount up!
Matthew 11:12 - Jesus says, "From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it."
The enemy better be scared of the warriors ready to wage war with him.
Friday, June 13, 2008
First Kiss
Nine years ago today was the first kiss Katrina and I ever had. It marked our transition as "just being friends" to dating. I will never forget the moment. She was all over me and I could not get her to focus on having a conversation. She just kept staring at me and finally she leaned in and kissed me. It completely caught me off guard. But I embraced it.
Actually....that is not how it exactly went down.
I was the one staring at her. I was the one who went in for the kill. I was the one ecstatic that she didn't slap me. It was a great memory. It was a day that nine years later has us married for almost six years and with the four year old pride of our lives.
I love you dear...4 more days until our anniversary...just wanted to remind you. :-)
Actually....that is not how it exactly went down.
I was the one staring at her. I was the one who went in for the kill. I was the one ecstatic that she didn't slap me. It was a great memory. It was a day that nine years later has us married for almost six years and with the four year old pride of our lives.
I love you dear...4 more days until our anniversary...just wanted to remind you. :-)
Meeting with Nashville Leaders and Monsoons
Today I met with several church planters throughout Nashville with the Tennessee Baptist Convention leadership there as well. They cast the vision to us handful of planters that they believe can help strategically move the church forward into the future as new planters and churches come along. It is exciting to think about churches and the denomination working together to ensure success - noble concept!
We had lunch at a Mexican Catina in East Nashville - very neat place. I drove down in the Jeep with the doors and top off. The monsoon came about thirty minutes into lunch. Did I attempt to go put the top up? No. Let it rain. There are worse things in the world than being wet. On the way home, I actually sat and enjoyed getting drenched. There were cars pulled over from lack of vision, but I march forward. Doing something out of the ordinary can give new perspective sometimes. Next time it rains...try going outside in it, instead of running inside from it.
We had lunch at a Mexican Catina in East Nashville - very neat place. I drove down in the Jeep with the doors and top off. The monsoon came about thirty minutes into lunch. Did I attempt to go put the top up? No. Let it rain. There are worse things in the world than being wet. On the way home, I actually sat and enjoyed getting drenched. There were cars pulled over from lack of vision, but I march forward. Doing something out of the ordinary can give new perspective sometimes. Next time it rains...try going outside in it, instead of running inside from it.
Regulators....Mount Up!
Tonight is the night. The men of The Journey embark on a mission of epic proportions. Man versus nature. Survival of the fittest. OK, were going to a retreat center...but still, we're not retreating. This is the men's advance, because real men don't retreat. OK, I'll get off the soap box...we are city-slicker camping, but it is all good!
I'm stoked about hanging with the guys overnight and having some time together. I'm looking forward to putting some challenges out there. More than anything, I'm looking forward to the guys having time together. It is good to get away. When we get away it sets us in position to have great experiences. We should focus on accumulating experiences in life, not stuff. Get ready for a big weekend men. Women, be praying for the men to not only encounter new relationships and experiences, but to encounter God.
I'm stoked about hanging with the guys overnight and having some time together. I'm looking forward to putting some challenges out there. More than anything, I'm looking forward to the guys having time together. It is good to get away. When we get away it sets us in position to have great experiences. We should focus on accumulating experiences in life, not stuff. Get ready for a big weekend men. Women, be praying for the men to not only encounter new relationships and experiences, but to encounter God.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
It has been a strange week so far. I don't know if it because I have a break from teaching this Sunday or something else. Actually, I do know what it is -- my phone (Crackberry) has been missing since Sunday evening. It is at the house somewhere. My wife probably hid it from me if I probed deeper to find out. Something strange has happened as a result of the phone has been peaceful. No constant bombarding of emails and phone calls. It has been weird. It has been a good break. I know I'm going to have to find it or get a new phone, but it has been a nice break from the constant noise. I admittedly tell you that I'm having Crackberry withdrawls that are easing by the moment. I'll make it. If you need me, email or call the church office.
Movie Day
Today I am taking off to hang out with the family before my weekend excursion with the men of The Journey. I woke Kaleb up this morning to a bath...he wasn't very happy with me. We are going to Providence to watch the free movie of the day. I think we are watching 'Surfs Up' - it's an animated movie that is a year of two old. I don't know how well this movie will keep Kaleb's attention...we'll see. Even if it doesn't it is free.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
I Need Your Prayer
I know a couple of days ago I asked for you to be praying for church leadership. Right now, I need your prayer for me specifically. I am about to begin writing chapters of the book I'm working on, that deals with going through the trials of life and how to discover God in them. I have been working diligently on the outline for several weeks now and have had it approved by my trusty editors. They assure me I have the book in front of me, it is just a matter of writing it now. That is the scary part.
I have given sermons on this subject many times and have spoken specifically about the things I'm going to write, but it still seems daunting as I think of writing an entire book. In addition to the enormity of penning an entire book, I'm attempting to complete it before my grad school begins in the fall. Of course there will be minor changes and touch up work to be done, but the goal is to write every chapter within the next 8 weeks...(I think I just wet myself). I also need a couple of people who would serve as readers for each chapter as I write, to give honest opinions and feedback. I'm told it is good to have eyes on your writing besides you and the editors. If you're interested, leave a comment or send an email. Whatever you do, please pray for me.
I have given sermons on this subject many times and have spoken specifically about the things I'm going to write, but it still seems daunting as I think of writing an entire book. In addition to the enormity of penning an entire book, I'm attempting to complete it before my grad school begins in the fall. Of course there will be minor changes and touch up work to be done, but the goal is to write every chapter within the next 8 weeks...(I think I just wet myself). I also need a couple of people who would serve as readers for each chapter as I write, to give honest opinions and feedback. I'm told it is good to have eyes on your writing besides you and the editors. If you're interested, leave a comment or send an email. Whatever you do, please pray for me.
Jesus Confirms My Plea
A couple of weeks ago I posted a plea to not see the summer as a chance to slump off of church attendance, giving, serving, and inviting. In the church world, it is known as the "summer slumps" - we've usually bucked most church trends and my plea to The Journey was that we would buck this one also.
As I was looking this morning at a list of Scriptures that have spoken to me throughout me life, I ran across one that is simply just too good to pass up, considering this has been a part of the conversation over the last several weeks. So here goes...a somewhat different approach to the usual post's entitled: Scriptures That Speak To Me.
John 4:35 (NLT) - Jesus is speaking. "Do you think the work of harvesting will not begin until the summer ends four months from now? Look around you! Vast fields are ripening all around us and are ready now for the harvest."
Jesus confirms exactly what I have been saying. There is no such thing as a summer off, in fact, the harvest is ripe for the picking now. God is not taking a break this summer in trying to redeem His creation, neither should we. Who's the person in your life right now who needs to know the hope of Jesus? What are you doing about it?
As I was looking this morning at a list of Scriptures that have spoken to me throughout me life, I ran across one that is simply just too good to pass up, considering this has been a part of the conversation over the last several weeks. So here goes...a somewhat different approach to the usual post's entitled: Scriptures That Speak To Me.
John 4:35 (NLT) - Jesus is speaking. "Do you think the work of harvesting will not begin until the summer ends four months from now? Look around you! Vast fields are ripening all around us and are ready now for the harvest."
Jesus confirms exactly what I have been saying. There is no such thing as a summer off, in fact, the harvest is ripe for the picking now. God is not taking a break this summer in trying to redeem His creation, neither should we. Who's the person in your life right now who needs to know the hope of Jesus? What are you doing about it?
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Interesting Conversation
I've got a little bit of rant this morning, but I would love for you to hang in there an read it. I have been engaged with an email over the last couple of weeks with some of the leadership at the Tennessee Baptist Convention (TBC). For those who don't know, The Journey is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention and is a TBC church. That being said, we don't always fall in line with everything the TBC would desire. That is not a bad thing, in fact, TBC is fairly flexible with churches that push the envelope a little further than they are comfortable with.
I received an email from a TBC leader yesterday who challenged me with the question: "Don't you think you should start small groups in areas that you intend to start campuses instead of going with the attractional model that has proven back lack of cultural change to not work?" Ok, let me start by explaining a couple of things.
This is part of a larger argument going on in the church world known as the Missional model versus the Attractional model. The missional model says go into neighborhoods and communities and start small groups as a strategy for reaching people for Christ. The attractional model says to start a worship gathering as a strategy for reaching people for Christ. Every church who chooses one model will be highly critical of the other model -- which definitely does not lead to unity in the Body of Christ.
My response to him was this: "It is definitely important to infiltrate communities with small groups, that is part of our strategy for launching the church --- groups and services. However, I don't believe it has to be an either/or paradigm between attractional model versus missional model, but it should be an and/both paradigm. Followers of Jesus have gathered weekly to worship together (Acts 2) for centuries --- this is not an idea fabricated by Willowcreek Church or Saddleback Church. This is God's idea. However, the church is also to be missional in its mindset. It's not just about "the show" - but instead it's about the single minded focus of reaching people far from God and bringing them into relationship with Christ. If that means creating environments at weekend services that allow that or if that means starting strategic small groups in neighborhoods, the answer is yes. It is not one or the other in my opinion."
Why do we make everything either one way or the other, and never both? Why does The Church always find something to disagree with? Methods and strategies for reaching people will always change, but the single minded focus of reaching people with the hope of Jesus Christ will never change. Anything thing with the exception of sinning is fair game -- why be critical?
What do you think?
I received an email from a TBC leader yesterday who challenged me with the question: "Don't you think you should start small groups in areas that you intend to start campuses instead of going with the attractional model that has proven back lack of cultural change to not work?" Ok, let me start by explaining a couple of things.
This is part of a larger argument going on in the church world known as the Missional model versus the Attractional model. The missional model says go into neighborhoods and communities and start small groups as a strategy for reaching people for Christ. The attractional model says to start a worship gathering as a strategy for reaching people for Christ. Every church who chooses one model will be highly critical of the other model -- which definitely does not lead to unity in the Body of Christ.
My response to him was this: "It is definitely important to infiltrate communities with small groups, that is part of our strategy for launching the church --- groups and services. However, I don't believe it has to be an either/or paradigm between attractional model versus missional model, but it should be an and/both paradigm. Followers of Jesus have gathered weekly to worship together (Acts 2) for centuries --- this is not an idea fabricated by Willowcreek Church or Saddleback Church. This is God's idea. However, the church is also to be missional in its mindset. It's not just about "the show" - but instead it's about the single minded focus of reaching people far from God and bringing them into relationship with Christ. If that means creating environments at weekend services that allow that or if that means starting strategic small groups in neighborhoods, the answer is yes. It is not one or the other in my opinion."
Why do we make everything either one way or the other, and never both? Why does The Church always find something to disagree with? Methods and strategies for reaching people will always change, but the single minded focus of reaching people with the hope of Jesus Christ will never change. Anything thing with the exception of sinning is fair game -- why be critical?
What do you think?
Monday, June 9, 2008
31 Days of Prayer
Coming in the month of July is a 31 days of prayer emphasis at The Journey. We are going to partner together and pray for the entire month about issues that directly impact us and our mission as we move forward. This will helpfully assist in developing and cultivating a prayer life in each person at The Journey. Each day will have a particular prayer focus, with a mini devotional/passage to accompany it. I am excited about this and believe if we covenant together to pray as one body for the same things, we will see amazing results.
As we draw closer, I will post some things that you can do to help develop your prayer life. Remember, we are not taking the summer off from growing spiritually as a church. We are beliving that God is wanting to accomplish something great through us.
As we draw closer, I will post some things that you can do to help develop your prayer life. Remember, we are not taking the summer off from growing spiritually as a church. We are beliving that God is wanting to accomplish something great through us.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Sunday Reflections
This was a fantastic day. I was energized and brewing inside all morning to get that sermon out of my heart and mind. It wasn't a hard sermon to preach because it is my heartbeat. I was like being asked to talk about how much I love my wife and kid, it comes easy. If you ever wonder what my heart is about and what things are stirring deep within me, you witnessed today. May we at The Journey live out our prayer today, "Lord, Make us Hungry" - hungry for a Jesus movement, hungry for Your presence.
Did you have tears in your eyes during "God of this City" today? I did. Molly did an incredible job with that song and Robbie did a great job putting that video together to accompany it. I really believe the message of that song. "There is no one like our God"..."Greater things are still to come, greater things are still to be done in this city"...INSPIRING! Do we believe it? Are we willing to live it?
Miranda did an absolute phenomenal job today leading worship and showed why she will be leading worship at one of the new campuses in the fall. She was nervous about it, but you could have never guessed it. Her voice was beautiful, she led us, she provoked and inspired us to worship the Father -- that is what its about.
There is no ceiling on what God can do with both Miranda and Molly in the days ahead with the voices and talent He has given them.
Finally, the church picnic was a huge success. Lot's of people. Lot's of food. Lot's of fun for the kids. A killer wiffle-ball game...that I happened to not win. Also, I think many were introduced to a new game: Cornhole. I know the name doesn't sound very appealing, but the game was addicting. Lot of fun today. God, use the money raised to reach people through the Raffield family on their trip.
I love you Journey church. It is amazing to not just attend church with a group of people, but to truly live life and enjoy community with them. This is what the church in Acts 2 looked like. Let's continue to invite people to experience what we have found...the hope of Jesus...and community with others.
Pray for hunger this week. Draw near to God (James 4:8) and be still (Psalm 46:10).
Did you have tears in your eyes during "God of this City" today? I did. Molly did an incredible job with that song and Robbie did a great job putting that video together to accompany it. I really believe the message of that song. "There is no one like our God"..."Greater things are still to come, greater things are still to be done in this city"...INSPIRING! Do we believe it? Are we willing to live it?
Miranda did an absolute phenomenal job today leading worship and showed why she will be leading worship at one of the new campuses in the fall. She was nervous about it, but you could have never guessed it. Her voice was beautiful, she led us, she provoked and inspired us to worship the Father -- that is what its about.
There is no ceiling on what God can do with both Miranda and Molly in the days ahead with the voices and talent He has given them.
Finally, the church picnic was a huge success. Lot's of people. Lot's of food. Lot's of fun for the kids. A killer wiffle-ball game...that I happened to not win. Also, I think many were introduced to a new game: Cornhole. I know the name doesn't sound very appealing, but the game was addicting. Lot of fun today. God, use the money raised to reach people through the Raffield family on their trip.
I love you Journey church. It is amazing to not just attend church with a group of people, but to truly live life and enjoy community with them. This is what the church in Acts 2 looked like. Let's continue to invite people to experience what we have found...the hope of Jesus...and community with others.
Pray for hunger this week. Draw near to God (James 4:8) and be still (Psalm 46:10).
Friday, June 6, 2008
This Weekend @ The Journey
I am estatic about this Sunday at The Journey. I'm ready to deliver the sermon God has given me now. I am coming barrels loaded. Bring a friend, invite a neighbor - I want to see a gym packed full of people to hear this message. What I am preaching at the church this Sunday is the closest thing to my heart right now. I can't wait.
Also, we will be having a church-wide picnic with some games for kids and adults, lot's of food, and plenty of laughs. Make plans to attend at 4pm back at West on Sunday. Be in prayer for the message, that people would respond. Be in prayer for the people, that those invited would come. Be in prayer for God's Spirit to fall on us, that the enemy would be crushed.
Also, we will be having a church-wide picnic with some games for kids and adults, lot's of food, and plenty of laughs. Make plans to attend at 4pm back at West on Sunday. Be in prayer for the message, that people would respond. Be in prayer for the people, that those invited would come. Be in prayer for God's Spirit to fall on us, that the enemy would be crushed.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Cold Church or Friendly Church?
This is a no-brainer question, but I'll ask it anyway: What kind of church would make you feel most welcome: a cold church where nobody speaks to you or acts interested that you are there, or a friendly church where people shake your hand, talk to your kid, and make you feel like you have been there before? The reason I ask this is because we have to always stay on guard to what kind of church we are becoming. Just because a church is known as a friendly church at one stage of its journey doesn't mean it reflects that at other stages.
As we grow at The Journey, we will have to remind ourselves again that it is important to make people feel welcome as they arrive for our worship gathering. The way you are treated when you come in helps prepare your heart for the worship and message later. If you were not treated kindly or recognized as you entered, chances are you are not going to have a great experience. Churches doing great things for God are churches in which people feel a part of it and welcomed to be there.
What can you do personally to ensure people are made to feel welcome? Will you make it something that matters to you?
* Instead of going to a seat when you get in, go to the lobby and shake hands or the coffee bar
* Don't go to the same people you already know, bathroom, or coffee bar during the 2 minute break time
* Join the Host Team and make welcoming people a part of your mission on Sundays
* Seek out faces that are not familiar and go introduce yourself and welcome them to The Journey
* Be intentional...make it a personal goal to ensure people feel welcome
* Ask good questions to people you talk to...find out where they work, where they are from, how they heard about The Journey, etc. Be careful about asking people if its their first time (the larger we grow, the higher the chances are that someone has been there a while and you have never met them...asking if its their first time could offend them)
As we grow at The Journey, we will have to remind ourselves again that it is important to make people feel welcome as they arrive for our worship gathering. The way you are treated when you come in helps prepare your heart for the worship and message later. If you were not treated kindly or recognized as you entered, chances are you are not going to have a great experience. Churches doing great things for God are churches in which people feel a part of it and welcomed to be there.
What can you do personally to ensure people are made to feel welcome? Will you make it something that matters to you?
* Instead of going to a seat when you get in, go to the lobby and shake hands or the coffee bar
* Don't go to the same people you already know, bathroom, or coffee bar during the 2 minute break time
* Join the Host Team and make welcoming people a part of your mission on Sundays
* Seek out faces that are not familiar and go introduce yourself and welcome them to The Journey
* Be intentional...make it a personal goal to ensure people feel welcome
* Ask good questions to people you talk to...find out where they work, where they are from, how they heard about The Journey, etc. Be careful about asking people if its their first time (the larger we grow, the higher the chances are that someone has been there a while and you have never met them...asking if its their first time could offend them)
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Scriptures That Speak to Me - Part 5
Today I want to highlight a couple of passages that have excited me and spoke deeply to me.
Ephesians 3:20-21 (click to read brief passage)
In this passage we learn that God is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine. He can do more than what we ask. Even when we put limitations on what He can do He is not bound by them. He can do more than we can imagine. Take a minute to dream of the greatest possible thing that God could bless you with, make happen, or accomplish - now take a second to soak in the fact that God can do even more than that. Wow! That is powerful. It makes me excited. It makes me desire to dream bigger.
1 Timothy 6:11 (click to read brief passage)
Short and simple, but powerful. You, man of God, flee from all that comes at you that would love to distract you, consume you, steal God's blessing from you -- instead, pursue godliness, righteousness, faith, love, endurance, and gentleness. How many men and women need to internalize this command from Paul to Timothy? I do; it speaks to me. What are you pursuing today?
Ephesians 3:20-21 (click to read brief passage)
In this passage we learn that God is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine. He can do more than what we ask. Even when we put limitations on what He can do He is not bound by them. He can do more than we can imagine. Take a minute to dream of the greatest possible thing that God could bless you with, make happen, or accomplish - now take a second to soak in the fact that God can do even more than that. Wow! That is powerful. It makes me excited. It makes me desire to dream bigger.
1 Timothy 6:11 (click to read brief passage)
Short and simple, but powerful. You, man of God, flee from all that comes at you that would love to distract you, consume you, steal God's blessing from you -- instead, pursue godliness, righteousness, faith, love, endurance, and gentleness. How many men and women need to internalize this command from Paul to Timothy? I do; it speaks to me. What are you pursuing today?
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Praying for your Pastor and Leaders
In 1 Thessalonians 5:25 the Apostle Paul ask the church, "Brothers, pray for us." In today's culture we see the role of a pastor as one who does the praying for people, but who is praying for him? I hope the answer is: many. I want to personally ask those of you who read this BLOG and who are a part of The Journey to pray for me and our elder team. We are in an amazing season of ministry right now, but that is when we draw the enemy's attention the most. It is important that you lift up your leaders - I for one desire to know you are lifting me up. Here are some things you can pray for for me:
* That I would continue to hear God's voice as He leads me. I desire to walk where He leads; I have no desire to journey out on my own little adventure.
* That I would choose to please Him rather than people.
* That I could recognize and win the spiritual battles that come at me. I don't always share the things I feel and deal with on a regular basis: self-doubt, heavy spirit, insecurity, etc. I know the enemy would love to come against me and make me fall -- it's happened to too many others.
* That I would have wisdom beyond my years of experience or age. I'm not afraid of being a young leader/pastor, but I want to believe God will grant wisdom as I need it.
* That I would continue to hear God's voice as He leads me. I desire to walk where He leads; I have no desire to journey out on my own little adventure.
* That I would choose to please Him rather than people.
* That I could recognize and win the spiritual battles that come at me. I don't always share the things I feel and deal with on a regular basis: self-doubt, heavy spirit, insecurity, etc. I know the enemy would love to come against me and make me fall -- it's happened to too many others.
* That I would have wisdom beyond my years of experience or age. I'm not afraid of being a young leader/pastor, but I want to believe God will grant wisdom as I need it.
Monday, June 2, 2008
One Prayer Begins Sunday

I'm excited about this new series we begin this Sunday at the Journey. We are joining over 1,200 other churches in 18 countries who are currently planning on being a part of the One Prayer series. Millions of people will be focused on the church and our mission together for a four week period --- how exciting is that?
I will begin this week with a message called: Make Us Hungry. I will talk about how if I had one prayer for the church at large and our church, it would be make us hungry. Give us an insatiable desire for more of Your presence God. The other three weeks will be a different mix of things, I don't want to give everything away, but it is going to be good. Be in prayer this week for this series that could potentially shape the church across the world.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Weekend Reflections
Once again God has amazed us with His movement in the lives of people. We have officially baptized over 14 people in the last four weeks at The Journey -- this is all God's doing. We only had 5 scheduled baptisms this morning and ended baptizing 9 total. The Spirit of God was thick today, and in the second service people just kept coming forward. As a I think about what has been happening and where we are going as a church, here are some things that I feel we have to do:
* Expect more -- I still believe we have only scratched the surface of what could happen if we remain obedient to God and let Him do the work He desires. I was in prayer Saturday night and I asked God why we don't see Him transform lives every weekend and see people throw their lives at His feet. God said to me, "Because you don't expect it." Ouch!! We must come expecting each week, we must invite expecting, we must expect more.
* Pray big prayers -- believe that God opens doors, believe that when we give Him control He can do more than we can ask or imagine, believe He desires to make Himself known to the world around us
* Become great givers -- oh no...he's talking money! I'm not just talking money here, though if we want to continue to create the type of environments that are allowing us to reach unchurched people, we need funds; however, giving happens when we give of our time to serve as well. Part of the atmosphere that helps produce trust and acceptance is smiling faces that are greeting, serving kids, helping set-up/tear-down, and working the coffee bar. We have to have more givers as we continue to expand our efforts
* Find connection -- it is great that God is bringing people and people are finding a place where they feel welcome and that they belong, but we have to move beyond Sunday mornings to connection throughout the week in some environment. Find a small group or 20/20/20 group
* Invite, Invite, Invite -- people don't come unless we ask them, if we want to ignite a movement, we have to invite people into it. Pray big prayers for the people in your life far from God or on the edge of faith. God wants to reach people more than we do.
* Soak it in -- these experiences are not everyday normal occurrences (though I wish they were). Take time to thank God for what we are experiencing. Take time to ask Him for a greater harvest than has been seen so far. We are witnessing people who were far from God find Him and seen lost children come home -- that is what it is all about!
* Expect more -- I still believe we have only scratched the surface of what could happen if we remain obedient to God and let Him do the work He desires. I was in prayer Saturday night and I asked God why we don't see Him transform lives every weekend and see people throw their lives at His feet. God said to me, "Because you don't expect it." Ouch!! We must come expecting each week, we must invite expecting, we must expect more.
* Pray big prayers -- believe that God opens doors, believe that when we give Him control He can do more than we can ask or imagine, believe He desires to make Himself known to the world around us
* Become great givers -- oh no...he's talking money! I'm not just talking money here, though if we want to continue to create the type of environments that are allowing us to reach unchurched people, we need funds; however, giving happens when we give of our time to serve as well. Part of the atmosphere that helps produce trust and acceptance is smiling faces that are greeting, serving kids, helping set-up/tear-down, and working the coffee bar. We have to have more givers as we continue to expand our efforts
* Find connection -- it is great that God is bringing people and people are finding a place where they feel welcome and that they belong, but we have to move beyond Sunday mornings to connection throughout the week in some environment. Find a small group or 20/20/20 group
* Invite, Invite, Invite -- people don't come unless we ask them, if we want to ignite a movement, we have to invite people into it. Pray big prayers for the people in your life far from God or on the edge of faith. God wants to reach people more than we do.
* Soak it in -- these experiences are not everyday normal occurrences (though I wish they were). Take time to thank God for what we are experiencing. Take time to ask Him for a greater harvest than has been seen so far. We are witnessing people who were far from God find Him and seen lost children come home -- that is what it is all about!
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