How aware are you of your need of Christ today? If you are a believer, at some point in your life, you came to recognize how deep your need for a Savior was. However, this is not suppose to lessen once we become a Christian. Even as a believer, we should recognize daily our deep need for the grace and mercy of Christ Jesus in our lives. We should see how utterly helpless we are without his strength and power. If you are not a believer, then you certainly need to recognize your deep need for Christ. You are only one breath away from coming face-to-face with Almighty God, who will judge you with righteousness, and you will be found guilty of law-breaking. Guilty law-breakers are sentenced to eternal death. Condemnation awaits those who have labored and toiled for their own selfish ends, rebelling against God and His ways.
Everyone, believer and unbeliever, has desperate need for Christ today.
Our recognition of this reality will make all the difference between a person who lives self-reliant and fully surrendered. When we view our need for Christ as only a one-time event, then we miss the truth. The truth is this: we are helpless and in need of everything; we have nothing in ourselves that is sufficient or suitable for navigating the daily obstacles and challenges that we face. We need Christ. We need him more today than yesterday. As believers, we are not called to be growing in our independence from him, but in our dependence on him. We are to be fully surrendered to Christ. Each day the challenge is to lay down our lives. We are commanded to pick our cross, embrace our daily deaths, and let him live in us.
So who are you trusting today? Yourself? Or the One who said, "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." (Matt. 11:28)
I'd love to hear your thoughts: why do we seem to lean on ourselves (even as believers) instead of daily trusting Christ and leaning on him?
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